Home > Artworks > William Agudelo Torres

Photo of William Agudelo Torres Colombia

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Born January 2, 1966 in a village of the township of cedeño / municipality Yarumal / Antioquia / Colombia.

where poverty was the only constant, and the slope of the knobs when the sun broke the dawn his father disturbed the chirping of the birds with his old guitar and the smell of charring of some dry firewood ignited by the blessed hands of her mother , complemented by the beautiful landscape of their land...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2015, Centro Comercial, Unicentro Medellín Antioquia, Colombia
  • 2015, Cota se viste de colores, Cota Cundinamarca, Colombia
  • 2010, Onceavo encuentro nacional de artistas, Ande Colombia, Santa Elena, Antioquia, Colombia
  • 2010, Centro comercial los Molinos, Medellín Antioquia, Colombia
  • 2008, Rescatando nuestros valores e identidad cultural, casa de la cultura francisco Antonio cano, Yarumal, Colombia
  • 2007, Octavo encuentro nacional de artistas, Ande Colombia, Santa Elena, Antioquia, Colombia
  • 2007, Exposición patrocinada por la organización lucha por las Américas en New Jersey
  • 2006, Casa cural, municipio El Retiro Antioquia, Colombia
  • 2006, Centro Comercial, Unicentro Medellín Antioquia, Colombia
  • 2004, Exposición individual en ciudad de Panamá
  • 2003, Arte y antigüedades, palacio de exposiciones, Medellín Antioquia, Colombia
  • 1999, Casa de la cultura Santa Rosa de Osos Antioquia, Colombia
  • 1999, Salón departamental de artistas, palacio de la cultura, Rafael Uribe Uribe, Medellín Antioquia, Colombia
  • 1998, Casa de la cultura Francisco Antonio Cano, Yarumal Antioquia, Colombia
  • 1996, Acapulco Arte, Galería, Bogota D.C Colombia
  • 1996, Centro comercial Cedritos Bogota D.C Colombia
  • 1995, Salón de octubre Yarumal Antioquia, Colombia
  • 1995, Casa de la cultura Francisco Antonio Cano, Yarumal Antioquia, Colombia
  • 1995, Casa de España, Cartagena Bolívar, Colombia
  • 1995, Casa museo Rafael Núñez, Cartagena Bolívar, Colombia
  • 1993, Salón de octubre Yarumal Antioquia, Colombia
  • 1992, Salón de octubre Yarumal Antioquia, Colombia
  • 1991, Salón de octubre Yarumal Antioquia, Colombia

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See everything we offer you!
19.69 x 0.47 in
27.56 x 35.43 in
26.38 x 26.38 in
14.96 x 19.69 in
15.75 x 47.24 in
41.34 x 86.61 in
15.75 x 23.62 in
7.09 x 11.02 in
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Born January 2, 1966 in a village of the township of cedeño / municipality Yarumal / Antioquia / Colombia.

where poverty was the only constant, and the slope of the knobs when the sun broke the dawn his father disturbed the chirping of the birds with his old guitar and the smell of charring of some dry firewood ignited by the blessed hands of her mother , complemented by the beautiful landscape of their land their spirit of sculptor and poet, to which devotes its humble creations.

Her artistic beginnings under the leadership of sculptor and poet Agustin de Jesus Agudelo Correa. His works in Italian marble, stone and bronze have been positioned in several markets worldwide. Has exhibited in Yarumal, retirement, Medellin, Cartagena and Bogota. Currently exhibits his work permanently in his studio gallery, located in rural area of ??joist.

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